A Related Site www.PleaseReadThem.com

A Site Sharing Various VITAL Documents

Pride and envy can make us humans very blind and cruel.  King Saul by these was motivated to kill hero David, and further in his blindness told those who supported him in his bitter endeavor, blessed be ye of the Lord.  Yes, pride and envy can act and be very religious although dreadfully blind and cruel.  Pride and envy combined with misguided religion can make us humans become what might be called religious rocks.  Religious rocks rather than worshipping God in Spirit and truth, blindly worship man's religious dogma and traditions often misled from antiquity.  Stephen was stoned to death by religious rocks throwing rocks.  This site seeks to redeem even religious rocks and to reveal God's perfect law of liberty which too often has been crushed by religious rocks, as well as by sincere but mistaken Christians.


God Wants To Transform Rocky Hearts

And Unite Them In His Grace, Love, And Truth!

Note This Document Speaks Of Health Issues, And Herewith I Thank God He Seen

Fit To Suddenly Heal Me And Improve My General Health At A Most Unique Time As To Confirm His Perfect Law of Liberty.  The Healing Is Spoken Of In Document 2B Below.

document TWO

The Matthew 5:27-32 Page And The


The Matthew 5:27-32 Page 

Note, Soon After Writing The Above God Amazingly Healed My Arm At A

Crucial Moment As Clearly Confirmed His Freedom And Fireworks Spoken Of Above. 

The Special Healing Incident  Occurred Less Than Two Months After Writing The Above.

Document Two (B)

God Unexpectedly Heals My Arm At Most Meaningful

Time To Confirm All My Concerns As In The Above Document!

     Although the below document and the miracle it shares may be difficult for some, please do not overlook that for many years and with many tears I passionately sought rock bottom truth on various subjects.  And therewith God who in the past encouraged my search with many miracles now provided yet another.  And as God is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him and the Bible often speaks of God confirming His Word with miracles, I must believe God in His faithfulness would protect me from lying signs and wonders.  God’s law, the perfect law of liberty is intended to provide humanity with the best journey through life, and herewith imagine driving on highways having no law or oppositely a strict ten mph limit!  And yes, “suppressive religious laws” and “lawlessness” BOTH transgress God’s perfect law of liberty and disrupt the good journey of life God intended.  Nevertheless, too many Christians in a lofty religious ego will shout out and defend popular religious restrictions of all sorts and airily condemn anything outside of popular religious dogma, and this while rarely saying anything about God withholding no good thing and God’s commandments not being grievous and truth making free.  And therewith, rarely if ever will they rebuke suppressive religious dogma as dreadfully stems from DOCTRINES OF DEVILS that disallowed marriage and more.  And such although most bitter branches sprouted from that dark root, and which are most opposite of God’s LIBERAL AND GRACIOUS MANNERS IN OLD TIMES on related matters.  And herewith Paul was not joking when he declared those who rebuke doctrines of devils as forbade marriage ect GOOD MINISTERS OF CHRIST and then declared Godliness to have promise [blessing] of the life that now is and of that which is to come (1 Tim 4:1-8).  And yes, it is no small matter that Jesus said, the thief came to steal, kill, and destroy, while oppositely He came to deliver the captives, liberate the bruised, and to give life and that more abundantly.  And what a bitter blow and hoodwink the thief has brought upon religions and humanity.  And yes, this thief the devil, who the Bible speaks of as deceiving the whole world is heartless.  And unfortunately, because he the father of lies has miserably stolen God’s good truth, religions have greatly misrepresented our good God and therewith many overreacted and cast out all law and God is not pleased.  Christ certainly wants us to bear His good cross rather than the cross of devils and has shown it with an abundance of miracles!  And thank God it appears the heartless beguiling stealing devil (who might also be called the man of sin) will be particularly revealed before the end! 

document Three

Why Me And Who Else

Astonishing Events God Sent My Way

 And Oh God Help Us Awaken Rather Than Overlook Your Miracles!  

Document 4

God's Warnings Of Fire And Famine

Document 5

God Provides A Stunning Example Of Gems Of Wisdom As Well

As His Beautiful Plan And Creation Being Deemed Dung And Filth!  

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Note the photos included on this website or any of my sites certainly do not mean those shown know of or are involved with what the author is promoting.

Contact address AmosBender@yahoo.com